I realized lately that I haven’t posted anything in a while – and I know why. I have fallen off the wagon and again have the solitaire monkey on my back. There are many people these days who are addicted to various electronic drugs, “crackberry” addicts for example, and on-line multiplayer role gamers who pay more attention to their virtual worlds than to their real lives. But I am old school. In fact, I can even remember “Pong.” (If you’re under fifty, look it up.) For the longest time solitaire was pretty much the only game in town (unless you include Minesweeper and other games that come bundled with Windows). My other passion was Shanghai, a version of Mahjong that was originally only available on Apple computers but now has joined the pantheon of freebies on Windows platforms. Anyway, I used to be into Solitaire in a big way, especially when I was brain dead and needed to just vegetate. After a while I realized that I would stay up to ridiculous hours playing the game and I guess the big appeal was that I didn’t have to think at all, just react to the cards I was dealt, which, if you want to be philosophical, is the way most of us go through life. At any rate I decided at some point to just stop. There were other things that needed to be done and I could use the time better for such things as sleeping. This worked for quite a while, but recently I just fell back into the habit. At first I would just play for a set period of time, but this time frame has been stretching out lately. So, as part of my program of recovering from solitaire addiction, I will start doing other things to use my time, like writing for instance, and I hope that I can again put the monkey back where he belongs – in the Games folder on my laptop. Wish me luck.